Organized Life
Welcome to an Organized Life.
"The question of what you want to own is actually a question of how you want to live your life." Marie Kondo, author of The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up.
Want to reset your life?
Using the KonMari method of decluttering and organizing, you can organize your life...once and for all.
It is a simple process of discarding what doesn't "spark joy" or serve a function in your life, and then finding a home for each items not discarded.
Click "Show More" at the bottom of the page to see even more of the KonMari Joy transformations!

Clothes gathered on the bed to be sorted.

A closet to be organized!

Pajamas and camisoles have a home.

Folded vertically...all clothing items can be viewed.

After: sock drawer :)

After: Client was amazed at clothes she uncovered that sparked joy. They had been buried in her closet clutter pre-KonMari.

Bags of donated items to leave the house.

A mother and two daughters have brought clothing items to the living room to be sorted.

Daughter has sorted clothes and kept her spark joy clothes and folded and placed into drawers.

This client needed help with organizing her clothes. Amidst all of her clothes she had many other items from gift wrap to sentimental items.

Hodgepodge of items in drawers.

Client in the middle of the process of bringing items from her closet and drawers in order to gather all of her clothing in one place.

Client's closet is clear of miscellaneous items and "spark joy" clothing is in place.

After several days of identifying what sparked joy...and what did not, the items to be donated were bagged and ready for loading into client's car.

Before: All things had been brought out of cabinets & drawers to be sorted & homework was assigned for in-between KonMari sessions.

After: Office is decluttered and all items have a home.

A bedroom that served as a giant toy box for this young client.

A young boy's room is functional again.